If your interested in joining our organization you will find the membership forms links here.  You can either be a part of a club near you or you can join as an unaffiliated member.  

Who Should Join?

  • Anyone that wants to ensure beef as an option in the grocery store, restaurant and schools.
  • Anyone that is willing to share their beef recipes or cooking technique.
  • Anyone that wants the consumer to know the truth about beef and how it is raised.
  • Anyone that appreciate living and raising cattle.
  • Anyone that wants to have input on how SD Beef Check-Off is used.

Norma Olson

Membership Director

E-Mail Call: 605.530.3597

Membership Dues

State CattleWomen $20
Collegiate CattleWomen $10
Junior CattleWomen $5
Sustaining Member * $35
ANCW $60

*(SDCW Sustaining Member = SDCW membership with an added donation for BEEF promotion and their name listed in each newsletter issue.)

Our Local Chapters

Harrold Steakettes

Mary Jessen

E-Mail Call

Mellette County Cattlewomen

Meet 3rd Thursday of every month

Carol Hutchison


Prime Cattlewomen

Leslie Reuer

E-Mail Call

Rosebud Rancherettes

Meet 1st Wednesday of every month
(except July & August)

Jolene VanMetre
Sue Chytka

E-Mail Call

Southern Belle Cattlewomen

Meet 3rd Friday of every month
(except June & July)

Kodi Blotsky


Southern Hills Cattlewomen

Meet 2nd Friday of every month

Carol Sides


History of SDCW

It was 1951 and the wives of the SD Stock Growers decided it was time to have their voices heard.  They knew then as we know now that it takes everyone to work together to ensure the sustainability of beef.  They went out and promoted and educated beef because even then they had skeptics about our livelihood, raising beef.

We are members of a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of BEEF.  It’s our turn to ensure that future generations will continue to have the opportunity to raise beef, eat beef and enjoy everything beef has to offer.

National Affiliation

We are also affiliated with the American National CattleWomen organization.  Membership in ANCW allows one:

  • To be the voice for women who share a passion for the beef industry.
  • To network with fellow women in the cattle community around America.
  • Acquire and learn how to use education and beef promotion resources and programs.
  • Develop and utilize your leadership skills.
  • To be part of a strong united voice for the beef industry.