About SDCW
The SDCW is a significant group in the state that a cattle producer or cattle producer wife can belong to.
- We are members of a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of BEEF.
- We are affiliated with the American National CattleWomen and believe and uphold their creed:
Believing that the livestock industry is of basic importance to world existence, we, the American National CattleWomen, dedicated ourselves to support it with our labor and finances; to promote it through information and publicity; to encourage its producers with our understanding and love; to do all in our power to instill in the coming generation the love of the land and of life, the humility and awe before nature, and the hope and faith in the future that is inherent to Cattlemen and CattleWomen.
2024-2025 Officers

Brenda Dreyer

Carol Sides

Erin Yost

Mary Jessen
Appointed Officers

Lindy Harkin

Carol Sides

Norma Olson
Membership Director

Mary Jessen

Ruth Farnsworth

Debra Elliott

Brenda Dreyer
Social Media
Past Presidents
Lindy Harkin
Brenda Dreyer
Kodi Blotsky
Carol Simon
State Fair
Brenda Dreyer
Featured Cattlewomen
Kodi Blotsky
Ruth Farnsworth
Mary Jessen
Danielle Schubert
Katrin Van Zandbergen
Erin Yost
Danielle Kartak
Special Olympics
Tonya Ness
Katrin Van Zandbergen
Beef Certificate Investments
Becky Littau
Carol Hutchison
Lindy Harkin
Chamberlain Rest Stop
Karla Pazour
Prime Cattlewomen
Brenda Dreyer
Ruth Farnsworth
Katrin Van Zandbergen
Christmas Tree @ Capitol
Mary Jessen
Ellsworth AFB
Carol Sides
Southern Hills CW
Kody Blotsky
Mary Jessen
Brenda Dreyer
Our Local Chapters
Rosebud Rancherettes
Meet 1st Wednesday of every month
(except July & August)
Southern Belle Cattlewomen
Meet 3rd Friday of every month
(except June & July)
Industry Contacts
Our Partners
The South Dakota Cattlewomen work with the South Dakota Beef Industry Council to promote BEEF at events across the state.